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  • LEAVE YOUR EGO AT THE DOOR.  Seriously. Nobody cares.

  • WHEN YOUR COACH TALKS, YOU LISTEN. We want you to socialize and have time with your friends….but PLEASE but try to hold it in during instruction or when coach is talking.

  • GIVE 100%. Work as hard as you can. Never quit. And SHOW UP. We will ALWAYS clap for those that consistently SHOW UP!

  • TRY YOUR BEST TO BE ON TIME. We get it, life is crazy. We are happy when you make it to class, even when you are late! But please do your best to slide right into the warmup and minimize distractions.

  • DON’T CHEAT. No one cares what your score is, but everyone cares if you cheated. AND EVERYONE knows who rep and time shaves. Be honest with yourself and everyone else. Honesty is BADA$$.

  • RESPECT THE COACH. Coaches have the final say. On movements. On scaling. On Range of Motion. On your time. On disruptions. On….everything.

  • KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE. Unless they are participating in class and have a signed waiver, children are not allowed on gym equipment. We are not a jungle gym or park. It is for their own safety and yours. If your kids need to be assisted during class, it is your responsibility to take care of them. Your coach is coaching the class and can’t do double-duty as a babysitter.

  • TRACK YOUR PROGRESS. We give you access to the SUGAR WOD Tracking app. We pay for it, you might as well measure your progress and Use it.

  • DO WHAT YOU SUCK AT. No cherry-picking. If a coach challenges you to work on a weakness… work on it. You will never get better at it until you are willing to die on that hill.

  • CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF. Throw you or your children’s trash (water bottles/bandaids/used tape/food/etc) away. Pick up your weights. Put away your boxes. Sanitize where your DNA (sweat/blood/bodily fluids) was left. 

  • DON’T COMPLAIN ABOUT THE MUSIC. Your coach is not a DJ. They all have their personal style.

  • WE ARE NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT. We drop four letter words, talk crap (all in good fun!), yell, grunt, laugh, sweat, pee and bleed. Sorry not sorry..

  • ENCOURAGE AND CLAP FOR OTHERS. If you don’t– we notice.

  • BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FITNESS, HEALTH & SAFETY. Our workouts are tough. The weight can be heavy. If you need to pull back, scale, or stop– tell the coach and do so. This is you being smart, not weak.

  • GET INVOLVED.The beauty and experience of CrossFit is more than the WOD. If you only show up to class, and leave immediately– that is all CrossFit will ever be to you.

  • ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS HAVE FUN! We strive to be the best hour of your day, your second family, and a place that you call a “Home away from home”.

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